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Gazi munibur rahman nursing college


Gazi Munibur Rahman

Homage’s to Chairman

We whole heartedly pay due Honor and respect of the regarded Chairman. Gazi Munibur Rahman Nursing College for his outstanding Contribution of the establishment of Gazi Munibur Rahman Nursing College. He is Really a philanthropist. His Role in foundering this college is really undeniable. We are Highly grateful of him. without his kind help and Inspiration. We would not be possible to establish search a progressive Intuition. We hope to proceed in further Assistant and Enthusiasm from our honorable Chairman. May Allah a long life.

Adv. Md. Zakir Hossain

Tribute to Director

We are really proud for our esteemed Director, Advocate Jakir Hossain. So fare as we think he his a good Organizer. He acts for the Gazi Munibur Rahman College selflessly. He is Untiring efforts brought about repaid Progress of this college. Still we anticipate his active role for the betterment of this college in future. We pray to Almighty Allah for his long life

Mahamuda Begum


Greetingsthe genuine satisfaction nurses experience from their profession is like on other. We are proud of the professional careers that our nurses develop knowledge through their study and practice spanning all our college, Hospital and community.
Our Nurse's commitment Extends beyond the walls of the college, Nurses, Present at any conference hold professional association leadership role and donate their time, Talents and resource to those in Our Community.
Gazi Munibur Rahman Nursing College is a remarkable, institution from the begimg to train the students becoming knowledgeable and practicable comparatively any other nursing college. The results are satisfactory to uphold name and fame of this college, Teachers and all others of this college are dedicated to make the environment smooth for learners, Our founder chairman and nursing collage Director's keess eyes, makes its is right way. I am Proud of the opportunity to work at this organization

ওরিয়েন্টেশন প্রোগ্রাম – ২০২৪

২০২৩-২০২৪ শিক্ষাবর্ষের ডিপ্লোমা ইন নার্সিং সায়েন্স এন্ড মিডওয়াইফারি ১০ম ব্যাচ ও বি এসসি ইন নার্সিং ৮ম ব্যাচ ডিপ্লোমা ইন মিডওয়াইফারি ৪র্থ ব্যাচের ওরিয়েন্টেশন প্রোগ্রাম – ২০২৪
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International Nurses Day

It all began in 1953, when Dorothy Sutherland, an official with the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, contacted President Dwight D. Eisenhower proposing he proclaim a “Nurses’ Day”. [...]
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আন্তর্জাতিক মিডওয়াইফ দিবস- ২০২৪

আন্তর্জাতিক মিডওয়াইফ দিবস- ২০২৪ উদযাপন এবারের প্রতিপাদ্য বিষয় “মিডওয়াইফ: জলবায়ু সংকটে অপরিহার্য জনশক্তি। ” তারিখঃ ৫ মে ২০২৪ ইং স্থান: গাজী মুনিবুর রহমান নার্সিং কলেজ, পটুয়াখালী।
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★ভর্তি চলছে★

গাজী মুনিবুর রহমান নার্সিং কলেজ,পটুয়াখালী। ★ভর্তি চলছে★ ★ কোর্স সমূহ: ★ ডিপ্লোমা ইন নার্সিং এন্ড মিডওয়াইফারি ৩ বছর মেয়াদী। ★ ডিপ্লোমা ইন মিডওয়াইফারি ৩বছর মেয়াদী। ★ বিএসসি ইন নার্সিং (বেসিক),৪বছর [...]
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Food And Nutrition Fair

Food and nutrition fair. This event is organized every year in our college. Various kinds of pitha are prepared on this occasion and cultural programs are held like dance, song, [...]
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About Our College


Access to health care is a basic right of people in this populous developing country. The role of nurses is essential in providing quality health care. Gazi Munibur Rahman Nursing College has launched the first Diploma in Nursing Science and Midwifery / B.Sc in Nursing / M.Sc in Nursing course in Barisal department to play a valuable and important role in health care by producing skilled nurses.

Aims and Objectives:

Gazi Munibur Rahman Nursing College / Pasha Nursing College / Payra Nursing Institute has been established to achieve the following aims and objectives.

Teaching, training and producing skilled nurses in nursing to meet the needs of the country's health sector.

To create employment for the educated unemployed youth.

Implementation of government programs to create skilled manpower in the health care sector.

To support the early implementation of the government's policy of 'Health for All'. For the government

To provide health services to people and to produce skilled nurses at low cost.

Town Kalikapur, Opposite of Palli Biddut, Patuakhali - 8600
+88 01730 943201

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Developed by Joy kumar